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Sunday, September 19, 2010

15 COOlest Photos You Won't Believe Are Not Photoshopped

Dean Potter's most recent solo walk at Taft Point in Yosemite by Photographer Jeff Cunningham. 

Sleeping on Heaven 

Apparently, the model was just jumping! 

(The left-hand side is a mirror, and the right-hand side is clear glass, with another girl standing on the other side) 

At the top of 360 feet tall Victoria Falls there is a natural rock pool, called Devil's Pool, where the water is relatively calm. From September to December, when the water level is low, you can swim in Devil's Pool. The pictures are bound to make you just a little nervous. Or a lot. 

It looks Photoshopped, but this Magic Tap fountain actually has a pipe hidden in the stream of water. Located in Aqualand, Spain. 

Li Wei Art 

This definitely looks photoshopped but actually it's a life-size photographic work based on the original building in Paris, printed on canvas, enhanced with bas-relief. It shelters the renovation of an Hausmannian building during year 2007. The project is named"39GeorgeV" is an urban surrealism manifesto. 

The Human Fly, a dare devil/stunt performer named Rick Rojatt, lives out the Marvel Comics character on the back of a DC-8 cruising low at 250 knots, flown by Clay Lacy at the Mojave California 1000 air races. 

Headless horse... oh well, it's actually looking the other way. 

Adventures of Mr. Fly (although not photshopped we must tell you the fly is dead) 

Tricky desktop picture 

The zebroid (cross between a zebra and any other equine) showed in the picture above, Eclyse, is a very unusual one, because of her coloring. With her über distinct makings, it's really hard not think she's a Photoshop mock-up.

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